Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tapestry Crochet

I've been experimenting with tapestry crochet lately, after I made the Mario mushroom hat for my brother and realized how fun it was. I made this musical note piece, which is going to be a part of a messenger bag I'm making for my sister-in-law:

Now, a good friend and fellow crocheter/knitter showed be this awesome site:

It basically makes the chart for you so that you can crochet or knit whatever you want. The possibilities are endless! Before I found out about it, I printed out some graph paper and was trying to come up with my own designs, which I'd still like to do one day, but for now, while I'm still getting the hang of it, this thing will be my best friend. I've been having a lot of fun with it.

And here are the images I've had graphed and I plan to use ASAP:

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